Boy With Luv is BTS’s BEST COMEBACK- 6 reasons why

I’ve been ARMY since a couple of years now, and obviously new as well as old songs by BTS mean a lot to me. Which is why I was always unhappy when I didn’t enjoy the recent BTS comebacks as much as I loved their old songs. Look, I love BTS, I have my biases, … Continue reading Boy With Luv is BTS’s BEST COMEBACK- 6 reasons why

Best Korean Dramas to watch 2018-19

Yes, I know, 2019 has just started and we're two months down the line. So I can't help but think about how many amazing dramas have come past us last year- many of which suprisingly, are extremely underrated. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes This is one goddamn beautiful drama. And it only helps that … Continue reading Best Korean Dramas to watch 2018-19