Best Korean Dramas to watch 2018-19

Yes, I know, 2019 has just started and we’re two months down the line. So I can’t help but think about how many amazing dramas have come past us last year- many of which suprisingly, are extremely underrated.

  1. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes

This is one goddamn beautiful drama. And it only helps that it stars my personal favourites, Seo In Guk (Reply 1997) and Jung So Min (Because this is my first life).

Let us start with explaining why the cast is so effing perfect. Seo In Guk wonderfully portrays a romantic and endlessly loving man while remaining mysterious and as people call his character throughout the drama- a monster. I loved his character so much, but not because of the bad boy behaviour, or the careless attitude but the freshness that came with it and seeing versatile Seo In Guk portray that made my heart melt more. His character, called Kim Moo Young is a man whose layers we see peeled off episode by episode, and when they’re all gone, we see him for the fragile and innocent child he really is.

Jung So Min’s character of Yoo Jin Kang seems cliched at first, a little pretentious even. But I felt that given the circumstances of her life, her personality despite how bubbly and emotional it looked, just seemed even more strong to me. Throughout the drama, all I could contemplate was whether I should cut my hair as short as hers. Thank god the drama ended and my hair is as it was and should be.

The drama is a remake of a Japanese drama with the same name, just a happier ending. If you’re a lover of fucked up things and endings, go for the Japanese one. I haven’t watched the latter but can speak for the former- it’s beautiful.

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I cried like a baboon watching this drama.

The OST, like most dramas is well thought out and put, no doubt. I usually don’t bring up OSTs unless they reallllly hit the spot and Ahn Ji Yeon’s song Lost did that for me. God, that song makes me wish I knew Korean so I could sing it. It’s extremely beautiful and seems like couture for this drama. It’s even better when you know the meaning of the lyrics. I’m pasting the video below, do check it out if you don’t want to watch the drama. The best and main part starts at 1:00.


There, I don’t have any words for this drama left now.


2. The Last Empress

Oh boy, this drama and I had a hell of a time with each other in a good way, of course.

I love dramas about power and conglomerates. The Last Empress is unique in its own way- it’s a historical drama, but its set in modern times of Korea as if monarchy is still ruling. And god, it’s interesting, it’s funny, it’s frustrating and it’s crazy.

I’ll begin with the female characters first. We see Lee Elijah as the secretary and wow, she’s so breathtakingly beautiful that her horrible, evil and manipulating character is something I keep justifying and equating with her beauty- until it gets too much. She’s ambitious, and so is everyone in this drama, except she doesn’t have a limit or conscience. Don’t we all love these characters in dramas? No, just me? I don’t love her character, but it excites me whenever I see the next fucked up thing happen.

Image result for Lee Elijah

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Yes, I have a huge girl crush on her beauty.

Then we have Oh Sunny, played by Jang Na Ra. In the beginning, I thought she looked too old and I really didn’t enjoy her happy-go-lucky character. But as the strings changed, I’m rooting for her.

The emperor is crazy for ambition, and he’s no less evil than his secretary. He doesn’t love Oh Sunny but the tables turn when no one realizes it. We see him for who he really is- a little boy craving for love. But in no way does that jutsify his actions.

And then we have the hot and just bodyguard,  Chun Woo Bin. This drama hasn’t ended yet, and for the first time I’m not rooting for any guy to get the girl!


3. SKY Castle

Oh boy, this crazy, crazy drama.

Also pro tip- if you’re a fan of BTS/ army why haven’t you watched it yet? Namjoon recommended  it and once you go check it out, you’ll know what he’s about. I’ve seen a tweet saying “this drama is what BTS wanted to convey with N.O.” and I sort of agree.

Does it have power? Oh yes.

The crazy education system pushing and killing kids to be in the first?

Does it have money? Yes, and lots and lots of it.

But there’s more to it. SKY Castle is almost like a satire, but you have to watch it very carefully to see through it. It’s perfect in every way. I’m currently on episode 9 and I love almost every aspect of the drama.

Image result for sky castle poster

There aren’t more things to describe, so GO.CHECK.IT.OUT.

bye, i think these 3 are at the top of their game, in a different league of their own.

do you think i missed any?

do you not like one of them?

is there a better OST i missed out? let me know.


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